Four Steps for creating a strategic approach to keep you engaged, motivated, and maintain a focus for targeted action:
1. FOCUS: Narrow your focus on your BIG BURNING IMPORTANT GOALS of SUCCESS™
2. ACTION: Commit to taking 2-3 consistent actions on those top 2-3 KEY goals.
3. KEEP SCORE: Measure your progress against the deadline.
4. ASSESSMENT & ACCOUNTABILITY: on a regularly scheduled weekly basis:
a. What did you do last week that worked moving you closer to the goals?
b. What did you do that did not have much of an impact?
c. What will you do again, or do differently this week to get you closer?
Working with a process of systematic approach, ALL the other stuff WILL still get done – just NOT at the expense of the BBIGS!
Strategically planning and executing is the ultimate advantage in accelerating achievement of big priority goals!
To YOUR Success!
Your Life Compass | Success for the Journey of Your Life™