Does Wanting More Make You Ungrateful?

Pumpkin TowerTis the season for naming and listing our thanks and gratitudes! THAT is very empowering, yet does not translate into resigning oneself to the status quo, nor being any less grateful for all the blessings that are ours.  It simply provides a springboard to what we want MORE of from this one precious life we have. SO go ahead and name, list, and yes, upgrade to what you really, truly desire more of – in addition to all that currently is!

“I want more out of life than I’ve gotten.” Loretta Lynn

How about you?

Advance Or Retreat?


The question whether to advance or to retreat infiltrates thoughts when the challenges, obstacles and roadblock overwhelm. Each option exacts a toll, but the rewards of persisting and progressing – however slow or at times non-apparent, becomes less about any outcome, and more about who you are!

Physical workouts are not complete without resistance training for strength. Persistence turns circumstantial, emotional and cognitive challenges into a training ground to grow intrinsic muscles for personal power and strength on the journey to achievement.

Give up on a major goal or deeply desired dream? NOT now, NOT today, NO WAY!